Love and the “NEW normal”

Specially-commissioned reflections by John Swinton on love in the time of Covid-19


They took palm branches and went out to meet Him, shouting: “Hosanna!” “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Blessed is the King of Israel!” John 12:13

People keep talking about the “new norm” that will emerge once we have got to grips with the Corona virus. It is not however clear what such a new norm might look like. We really don’t know the long-term psychological and social consequences of social distancing. What will happen if we continue to implicitly or explicitly assume that everyone, including our family and friends, are potential threats to our well-being? Social distancing is clearly necessary. But how easy will it be for us to stop doing it? The new norm will not be the same as the old norm. But that is not necessarily a bad thing. 
Think for a moment about the story in the gospels of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem. People were really excited!  It was a time of great expectation. “The Messiah has come!” (“yes, he’s riding on a donkey which is a bit odd, but let’s put that to one side for a moment …”) 
Then came the passion and the chaos of the cross. Everything seemed to be falling apart. All of people’s hopes, dreams expectations that were embodied in Jesus seemed to come crashing down. There was nothing but grief, sadness, lostness, pain, suffering and fear. People inevitably feel deeply vulnerable in a time when their hopes and certainties are crushed and their control over the world is stripped from them.
But then came the resurrection. Jesus overcomes death and in so doing offers us new life in all of its fullness. This new life is not a return to the victorious hopes of Palm Sunday. The Crucifixion had shown us the reality of pain and suffering, and the lengths that God will go to help us to find God’s love.
The new norm that was heralded in by the resurrection was different. It was a call to go into the word and proclaim the gospel in the midst of pain, suffering and lostness. It was a revelation that the might of God is revealed in vulnerability and suffering love. The new norm was that people recognized their inter-connectivity and were called to live under the wing of God who is love: to care for the sick, to live life with and for others; to seek after wisdom, gentleness, peace, love and joy; to overcome the old Gods of greed individualism and false idols. To live together as one Body. The new norm of course included pain and suffering, but not without hope. 
The Covid crisis is not a good thing. It is horrible, painful, fearful. We have to name it as such. Nevertheless, if perfect love does drive out fear and if Jesus truly is risen then perhaps the new norm that will emerge when the virus is defeated will help lead us to a place where we can see life more clearly and love God and one another more fully.
The old norm may have been an illusion that we would be unwise to chase after. The new norm has to be built on stronger foundations.

The Revd Prof John Swinton is Professor in Practical Theology and Pastoral Care in the University of Aberdeen, specialising in dementia care.


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